Frequently Asked Question

How to restore Poser's interface to factory layout
Last Updated 15 days ago

If you've accidentally lost a palette off the screen or docked a palette someplace where you can't get it back you'll want to restore Poser's interface to the factory layout. At the end we'll show you a way to store your favorite interface layouts.

First if you've followed this tutorial before and did the last step all you need to do now is "Click the Memory Dot" to restore the interface.

  • Save your work. Fixing the UI will require a restart of Poser.
  • From the top menu choose Edit > General Preferences (On Mac: Poser > General Preferences)
  • On the "Interface" tab put the Launch Behavior dot on "Launch to factory state". Then click OK.
  • Restart Poser.
  • Poser opens to the factory layout.
  • Before you do anything save the factory layout in an empty UI dot.
  • This stores the Interface of the current pose room. Now you can easily reset the factory layout with out restarting.
  • If you don't want to use the factory layout now you can re-arrange the interface the way you like.
  • Go back to general preferences and set the interface to launch the way you want it to.
  • Now click another empty UI Dot to store your preferred state. If you ever mix up the interface again you only need to click the dot to restore the saved layout.

About UI Dots:

Memory Dot in General:

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