Frequently Asked Question

How to install purchased content in Poser 13
Last Updated 2 years ago

The easiest way to install purchased content for Poser is through Poser's Library. After completing the purchase at or open the library panel in Poser.

  1. If the library is not displayed click on the book shelf icon on the top right corner of the Poser window.
  2. Click on the Purchases tab in the library panel
  3. Click the dot for the store where you made the content purchase.
  4. The first time you access your on line purchase you will need the user name and password for that store.

Once logged into the store you can install all your purchases by clicking the [Install All] button. Or any individual item by clicking the [Install] button next to that item.


If and item has already been installed it will be displayed with a darken background and instead of and install button there will be a [Reinstall] button.

Once the download and install of the item has completed your new content will be available from the Purchases Runtime in the Poser library.


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